silhouette of bird in nest
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Life is filled with many painful passages, but you can soar with freedom if you embrace your R->O->L->E!

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This is your R -> O -> L-> E

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Earth Hour Clouds
Earth Hour Clouds
bird silhouette
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O - pen to the new

It takes courage to willingly open up to a new way of thinking and a new way of living. You will never soar if you remain closed to new possibilities.

silhouette of sparrow
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R - elease past expectations

You will never fly if you hang on to hangups from the past. It's time to RELEASE your discouragement, disappointments, and depression from unmet expectations.

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L -ift with surrender

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When tempted to manipulate results, don't. The only way to move to new heights with a new level of surrender.

bird silhouette
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E - mbrace FREEDOM

Living above the pain of the past requires embracing a relationship with unseen power. The wind beneath your wings comes through the freedom of living in interdependent, supernatural community.

Preparing for Life Passages

When transitioning through life's passages we all experience times of disappointment, fear, and weakness. But rather than resisting these difficult times of change, let us accept that each of life's passages is moving us closer to the interdependent freedom we were designed to enjoy.

bird silhouette
Earth Hour Clouds
Earth Hour Earth